10 Steps to the Perfect Christmas Function

Okay, so it's only July but now is the time to start planning your Christmas office party or holiday work function. Over the past 25 years we've been to hundreds of work Christmas parties in Wellington and all over New Zealand and now we're happy to share what we've learned with you.
1. Pick the perfect venue
The venue should match the size, scale and formality of your function. It should be easy for everyone to get to, have great food and drink and comfortably fit your group size. A little indoor outdoor flow can enhance daytime functions and make the most of a hot summers night.
2. Have a theme
If you have the kind of workplace where everyone likes to dress up and get involved at Christmas then go for a flamboyant, interactive theme. But even if you're workplace is a little more staid and formal a theme which runs through the venue, decorations and entertainment can perfectly tie the whole evening together. If you are low on inspiration ask us. We can tell you the most popular themes or create one just for you.
3. Plan entertainment
Dave from accounts tells an awesome joke and your rendition of "Hello" after a few wines is a sure fire winner but there are some real benefits in having some pre-planned entertainment. One is that everyone is served by it. Those team members who struggle socially still can have great night. It differentiates the night from usual work drinks and makes it special. And it helps you with your host responsibility. Functions that use The Improvisors report a much lower alcohol spend and fewer problems associated with excess alcohol consumption. People are having fun without drinking.
4. Know the function of your function
Most employees expect to have some sort of Christmas celebration - it's tradition. But your planning becomes much easier if you are clear about what you want your function to do. Are you celebrating success? Recapping the year? Do you want people to network? Is it about relaxing and unwinding? Does it link to your organisations culture and values?
5. Plan early
Popular venues, caterers and entertainment do book up quickly on key weekends. Getting on to your planning when Christmas still feels a million miles away can ensure you get what you want.
6. Prioritise the people
For most party planners budget is a big consideration and compromises will need to be made. Make sure the compromises are in areas that don't directly affect what's important to your people.
7. Host responsibility
For the good of your people and the reputation of your business you need to look after your people with alcohol. As mentioned having planned entertainment is a good start, serving food and planning how your people will get home helps.
8. Ban stress
Christmas time is stressful enough without letting what should be a a fun experience add more stress. Choose providers that go the extra mile. The Improvisors will handle every aspect of the entertainment on the night and if there is a problem we make sure it is never your problem.
9. Don't spend on trends
While a Pokemon Go party or a full Paleo Experience sound like fun on-trend ideas, chances are they will marginalise most of your folks, cost more than you need to spend and be remembered for all the wrong reasons. Plus you can guarantee that todays trend will last until Christmas.
10. Hire us!
The Improvisors have been providing the perfect party entertainment for more than 25 years. We can design and deliver entertainment that if fits you, your people and your budget like a glove. We are committed to making the experience as easy as possible for you. Be known as an extraordinary event organiser at your work. Whether in Wellington, New Zealand or farther afield, we come to where you need us.