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A 'Force ful' Team Builder

Wellington Team Builder Comedy

Our client asked us to come up with a way to kick start their conference day in a positive way that would get everyone off their seats and immediately working with each other. The hope was to create a pathway for more meaningful interaction during the conference proper. Because of the date their theme was 'May the Fourth Be With You'.

We took that that theme and ran with it! We designed a super fun activity that got participants engaged, excited and creative. The activity was facilitated by two of our Improvisors playing Star Wars characters. They injected life and energy, made everyone laugh and helped out with any technology or story issues.

Participants were mixed up into teams and challenged to create and film a scene for an upcoming (fictional) Star Wars movie. Each team was given a pack with their team roles and instructions for the scene they had to create. There was a bag of recycling and recyclables available for them to make props and costumes and a VERY tight deadline.

It was a gorgeous day in Wellington and teams spread out along the sunny waterfront to do their filming. We were so impressed with the enthusiasm with which they tackled the challenge. They were having huge amounts of fun, whilst communicating with each other, making fast decisions, managing their resources and coming up with creative, out of the box solutions.

They uploaded their scenes and our video editor went to work. In a record breaking 4 and 1/2 hours he edited their scenes together to create a trailer for their very own Star Wars style movie.

The day started with a fun, energising, creative team builder, was filled with high quality work and ended with participants getting to giggle as they watched themselves being stars of the screen.

This team builder would work for any size group and with any theme. It was huge amounts of fun for everyone involved but more importantly it was effective in achieving our client's aims.

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Corporate  Entertainment, Training and Team Building

+64 4 384 6704

Team Building Wellington

Level 11, 175 Victoria St.,


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